Push Up is designed to improve bust health: it relaxes fatty tissues, normalises tone, relieves fatigue and discomfort. In addition, it promotes breast enlargement and modelling.
The product is easily inserted into the bra and adapts to the individual features of the figure, maintaining a comfortable shape without a tendency to return to its original state. This ability not to create back pressure is particularly important for the recovery of sensitive areas of the body.
It is designed for daily use and consists of two modules stitched together. The inner part is filled with microsphere powder and protected from dirt by an outer cover.
The microsphere properties allow the liner to be used for:
You should start with 15-20 minutes a day, then the time increases and after a month of use you can wear a push-up with microspheres constantly, when it is convenient. It is necessary to follow a drinking regime - at least 2 litres of clean water.
Filler sealing does not affect the unique properties of microspheres. To return the product to its original state, hold it near a source of heat. For care use a soft cloth moistened with antiseptic.